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University of Detroit Mercy - MI

Institution Name
University of Detroit Mercy - MI

4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI 48221

Liaison Officer
Ms. Jessica Rouser
TELO and Director of Scholarship & Financial Aid

School URL

In addition to freshmen, will make award offers to transfers and/or to students currently enrolled but not on TE (sophomores, juniors and seniors) for 2024-2025
Tuition amount: Full Tuition
Program: Undergraduate
Initial offers will be announced by April 15, 2024.

Deadline for the receipt of initial TE certification/applications:
In March 2024

The percentage of the new admitted TE candidates offered a TE scholarship for the current academic year:
Below 10%

Additional Information
University of Detroit Mercy is the only university in the world that combines the centuries-old commitment to education of the Society of Jesus and the Religious Sisters of Mercy. Our students learn compassion and respect for all voices, especially those that are often muted. Moral and ethical issues are considered alongside academic and professional disciplines. Our students understand that the Mercy and Jesuit charisms demand that they put their education to work in service of others. Collaboration across programs provides students a local and global vision, helping them understand the difference they can make in their field and the world.

Tuition Exchange scholarships will cover the gap between a student's total amount of federal, state and other institutional non-loan aid and the total tuition and standard fee charges.

We recommend that you apply for your TE benefit no later than December 1st.

FAFSA is required per institutional policy.

Late scholarship applications are accepted, subject to availability following the priority consideration period.

Please note we only offer Tuition Exchange funds to undergraduate students.

No matter what you’re interested in studying, there’s a school on the list for you.
– Bill Brown, Syracuse University
The Tuition Exchange     |     3 Bethesda Metro Center – Suite 700     |     Bethesda, MD 20814     |     301-941-1827     |     info@tuitionexchange.org