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The International Institute of Restorative Practices - PA

Institution Name
The International Institute of Restorative Practices - PA

531 Main Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018

Liaison Officer
Jamie Kaintz
TELO and Dean of Student Services

School URL

In addition to freshmen, will make award offers to transfers and/or to students currently enrolled but not on TE (sophomores, juniors and seniors) for 2024-2025
Tuition amount: Full Tuition
Program: Masters
Other date (post date on Overview box)

Deadline for the receipt of initial TE certification/applications:
Specific date, see school Overview

The percentage of the new admitted TE candidates offered a TE scholarship for the current academic year:
Below 10%

Additional Information
The IIRP Graduate School: Dedicated to Growing and Teaching the Science of Relationships and Community

Master of Science | Graduate Certificate | Professional Development

The International Institute for Restorative Practices (the IIRP), located in Bethlehem, PA, is the world?s first accredited graduate school that specializes in studying the field of restorative practices, providing education, research, and consulting services.

At the heart of restorative practices is the understanding that human beings are instilled with the need to connect and grow with each other. The IIRP supports students and community leaders with the tools they need to transform relationships and effect change within their own lives as well as within public and private K-12 educational institutions, public and private four-year residential colleges and universities, non-governmental agencies (NGOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs). Through strong academic offerings combined with a real-life approach to education, the IIRP helps mend issues and makes resilient and meaningful relationships thrive.

As the field of restorative practices grows and evolves, we are dedicated to always being at the forefront of exploring and testing new concepts, new approaches, and new methods.

No matter what you’re interested in studying, there’s a school on the list for you.
– Bill Brown, Syracuse University
The Tuition Exchange     |     3 Bethesda Metro Center – Suite 700     |     Bethesda, MD 20814     |     301-941-1827     |     info@tuitionexchange.org