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Aquinas Institute of Theology

Institution Name
Aquinas Institute of Theology

23 S. Spring street
St. Louis, MO 63108

Liaison Officer
Dr. Brian Matz
TELO and Associate Dean

School URL

In addition to freshmen, will make award offers to transfers and/or to students currently enrolled but not on TE (sophomores, juniors and seniors) for 2024-2025
Tuition amount: Full Tuition
Program: First Degree Professionals
Pell and other grants
State grant/scholarship
Initial offers will be announced by April 15, 2024.

Deadline for the receipt of initial TE certification/applications:
In May 2024 or no deadline

The percentage of the new admitted TE candidates offered a TE scholarship for the current academic year:
Below 10%

Additional Information
For those seeking an academically excellent, graduate theological education, Aquinas Institute of Theology welcomes women and men of Christian faith traditions to study with us. We offer a unique Catholic and Dominican approach to such education that is in service to the Church and that builds on an understanding of St. Thomas Aquinas that is expansive, comprehensive and all-encompassing.

Our mission is to educate our students to preach, to teach, to minister, and to lead.

No matter what you’re interested in studying, there’s a school on the list for you.
– Bill Brown, Syracuse University
The Tuition Exchange     |     3 Bethesda Metro Center – Suite 700     |     Bethesda, MD 20814     |     301-941-1827     |     info@tuitionexchange.org