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Sweet Briar College - VA

Institution Name
Sweet Briar College - VA

P. O. Box 1090
Sweet Briar, VA 24595-1051

Liaison Officer
Kathy Bradley
TELO and Director of Human Resources

School URL

In addition to freshmen, will make award offers to transfers and/or to students currently enrolled but not on TE (sophomores, juniors and seniors) for 2024-2025
Tuition amount: Full Tuition
Program: Undergraduate
Study Abroad

Deadline for the receipt of initial TE certification/applications:
In May 2024 or no deadline

The percentage of the new admitted TE candidates offered a TE scholarship for the current academic year:

Additional Information
The world beyond high school is the chapter of life that you get to create for yourself. It's a wide-open landscape where you can learn and grow in the fields that you are passionate about. Sweet Briar is a great place to begin that journey.

Sweet Briar College prepares young women to excel in the modern world. We've been doing it since 1901. And you are our sole focus. At Sweet Briar, women get all the attention, all the student leadership roles, and any career choice is open to you. We think that makes Sweet Briar pretty special.

We want you to set high standards and we'll provide the enthusiasm to help you meet and exceed them. Here, you'll find an atmosphere of collaboration, communication, personal attention and great celebration.

The College is on 2,840 acres that provide a landscape for learning.

Our curriculum spans more than 25 areas of study that embrace your academic interests and encourage the discovery of new ones. Sweet Briar professors and staff dedicate themselves to your learning, in class and long after the semester ends. Athletics, activities, clubs and events integrate tradition, service and innovation into the college experience.

At Sweet Briar's core stands a student community that's broadly diverse, tightly knit and wholly unique. And you graduate into a network of Sweet Briar alumnae thousands of successful women ready to share information and provide guidance.

No matter what you’re interested in studying, there’s a school on the list for you.
– Bill Brown, Syracuse University
The Tuition Exchange     |     3 Bethesda Metro Center – Suite 700     |     Bethesda, MD 20814     |     301-941-1827     |     info@tuitionexchange.org